From Burak to Breakthrough: Brollups to Transform Bitcoin Network

In an exciting development for the cryptocurrency world, Bitcoin developer Burak has introduced a revolutionary layer 2 solution called 'Brollups'. This innovative approach is set to enhance the Bitcoin network's capacity to support decentralised finance (DeFi) applications, potentially transforming the landscape for Bitcoin users and developers alike.

What are Brollups?

Brollups, short for 'Bitcoin-native rollups', are designed to integrate directly with the Bitcoin blockchain. Unlike other rollup solutions that often require new tokens or hard forks, Brollups operate natively within the Bitcoin ecosystem. This integration ensures that Bitcoin remains the core currency and avoids the complexities associated with additional token management.

Key Features of Brollups

  • No New Tokens Needed: Brollups do not necessitate the creation of new tokens, simplifying the user experience and reducing potential risks associated with token issuance.
  • Direct Integration: They work seamlessly with the Bitcoin blockchain, eliminating the need for a hard fork and maintaining the integrity of the network.
  • Scalability: Brollups enhance the scalability of Bitcoin by processing transactions off-chain and then batching them into a single transaction for the main chain. This reduces congestion and lowers transaction costs.
  • DeFi Capabilities: With Brollups, the Bitcoin network can support a wide range of DeFi applications, from NFTs to decentralied exchanges, all powered by Bitcoin.

The Technical Backbone

Brollups are managed by operators who provide liquidity and advance the rollup state by chaining Bitcoin transactions at regular intervals. These transactions are executed on the Bitcoin Virtual Machine (BVM), ensuring they are verifiable, scalable, and enforceable directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. This method not only optimies transaction execution but also maintains the security and decentralition that Bitcoin is known for

Historical Context and Developer Insights

Burak, the mind behind Brollups, is no stranger to the intricacies of Bitcoin's network. He previously gained attention for exploiting vulnerabilities in the Lightning Network, which led to significant improvements and emergency updates in the system. His continued contributions highlight the evolving nature of Bitcoin's infrastructure and the community's commitment to enhancing its functionality.

Comparison with Other Layer 2 Solutions

While layer 2 solutions like state channels, optimistic rollups, and zero-knowledge rollups have been utilized on various blockchains to improve scalability and reduce costs, Brollups bring a unique advantage to Bitcoin. By not requiring additional tokens and integrating directly with the Bitcoin blockchain, Brollups offer a streamlined and efficient solution tailored specifically for Bitcoin's architecture.

Impact on Bitcoin DeFi Ecosystem

The introduction of Brollups is set to significantly boost the DeFi ecosystem on Bitcoin. By enabling the network to support a broader range of applications, Brollups can attract more developers and users to the Bitcoin DeFi space, potentially lowering fees and speeding up transactions compared to traditional financial systems. This could position Bitcoin as a more dominant player in the DeFi landscape, offering enhanced asset control, permissionless global access, and robust security.


Brollups represent a promising advancement for the Bitcoin network, poised to expand its capabilities and bring more DeFi applications into the fold. As the concept gains traction, it is likely to receive further refinements and adoption, solidifying Bitcoin's role in the future of decentralised finance. The cryptocurrency community eagerly anticipates the potential that Brollups hold for transforming the Bitcoin network into a more scalable and versatile platform.

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